“Containing Big Tech” Available in Audiobook and eBook Format

I am pleased to announce that as we near the August 22, 2023 release of my book Containing Big Tech: How to Protect Our Civil Rights, Economy, and Democracy, the book is now available for ordering in both Audiobook and eBook format (as well as good old-fashioned hard-cover format).

To celebrate this milestone, my publisher and I have partnered with the good folks at Goodreads to offer a special giveaway contest: if you register by the end of July 2023, you will have a chance to be a winner of one of 20 free Kindle eBook copies of Containing Big Tech. Click here to enter the giveaway contest.


Live Event: The State of US Privacy & AI Regulation


FTC Fining of Fertility App Premom Shows the Need to Rethink the Sharing of Personal Data with Third Parties