APRA Falls Way Short of California When It Comes to Regulating Data Brokers
The American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) falls flat to California Privacy Law when it comes to regulating data brokers.
California SB 362 Passes Through Assembly Appropriations Committee 10-3
California Senate Bill 362 (SB 362) — aka the California Delete Act — passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee and moves on to the Assembly floor.

A Look at AI Legislation in the US
An overview of the state of play of AI legislation in the United States, with a discussion of the Algorithmic Accountability Act and the ADPPA.

Is CPRA Actually Stronger than the ADPPA?
Is ADPPA really better than CPRA? A new analysis says "not so fast" and that CPRA is still functionally better.

Big Tech Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? Californians Unite in Opposition to the ADPPA “Trap”
The proposed American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) would preempt state law. Californians are not happy about that.