State of Washington Looks to Make AI More Transparent
The State of Washington has introduced two new AI transparency bills (HB 1168 and HB 1170) that are modeled on legislation passed in California.
Analysis of the California AI Transparency Act (SB 942) — Signed by Governor Newsom into Law
A detail analysis of SB 942 -- the California AI Transparency Act -- that was signed into law by Governor Newsom.
California AI Transparency Act (SB 942) Passes Initial State Assembly Tests
The California AI Transparency Act (SB 942) has passed its initial State Assembly tests by passing through the Judiciary and Privacy committees.

California AI Transparency Act Passes State Senate, Moves to Assembly
The California AI Transparency Act (SB 942) successfully passed the State Senate with an impressive and bipartisan 32-1 vote and now moves to the State Assembly.

Cal AI Transparency Act Passes Through Another Committee — With Help from a Pack of Gum
The California AI Transparency Act passed another hurdle, this time with the help of a pack of gum that shows the need for labeling of AI.

California AI Transparency Act Passes Senate Judiciary Committee
The California AI Transparency Act jumped over its first hurdle, passing the Senate Judiciary Committee 10-1.

What is AI Transparency?
What is AI Transparency? A definition of it and how it fits into the concept of Trustworthy AI and Ethical AI.
Introducing the California AI Transparency Act
An overview of the California AI Transparency Act (CAITA)