APRA Draft 2 Still Falls Far Short of California’s Data Broker Law
The American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) draft 2 discussion document yet again falls short of California when it comes to regulating data brokers, and is in fact, a big gift to the industry.

Analyzing the Arguments For and Against Preemption in APRA
This blog post does a detail analysis of the arguments for and against preemption in the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA), and proposes a compromise that could bridge the gap.

If Privacy Laws Were Software Development Models, California is Open and Agile while APRA is Closed and Waterfall
When it comes to making new privacy laws to keep up with rapid technology innovation, California is open and agile while unfortunately APRA is closed and waterfall.

APRA Falls Way Short of California When It Comes to Regulating Data Brokers
The American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) falls flat to California Privacy Law when it comes to regulating data brokers.