Analyzing the Arguments For and Against Preemption in APRA
This blog post does a detail analysis of the arguments for and against preemption in the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA), and proposes a compromise that could bridge the gap.

Tom Kemp Receives Commendations from the California Senate and Texas Senate
Tom Kemp receives commendations from the California Senate and the Texas Senate for his work in privacy policy in both states.
Tom Kemp Named by Okta as One of “The Identity 25” for Shaping the Field of Digital Identity
Tom Kemp Named by Okta as one of “The Identity 25” Shaping Digital Identity

Top Arguments For/Against California SB 362
A look at the main arguments for and against California Senate Bill 362, also known as the California Delete Act.
Live Event: The State of US Privacy & AI Regulation
Hear from the experts on the State of US Privacy and AI Regulation in a live event on August 28, 2023 at 11 am PST / 2 pm EST.

Is CPRA Actually Stronger than the ADPPA?
Is ADPPA really better than CPRA? A new analysis says "not so fast" and that CPRA is still functionally better.

Big Tech Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? Californians Unite in Opposition to the ADPPA “Trap”
The proposed American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) would preempt state law. Californians are not happy about that.

Overview of AB 1651: The California Workplace Technology Accountability Act
A Look at AB 1651: The California Workplace Technology Accountability Act

Draft CPPA Regulations Puts Some Heat on Data Brokers
The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) has released a draft of its initial Regulations and this draft provides some needed controls and transparency vis a vis businesses selling or sharing data with data brokers.

Tech Firms Silently Kill SB 1059, Bill to Enhance California’s Data Broker Registry
California State Senate Bill 1059 -- that regulates data brokers -- was silently killed in the Appropriations Committee.

My Testimony to the California Privacy Protection Agency re: Consumers' Rights to Opt-Out
My testimony to the California Privacy Rights Act regarding a Consumers' Rights to Opt-out

A Look at the Opposition to California SB 1059 that Would Strengthen Data Broker Oversight
A look at the uncompelling arguments against SB 1059, the California Senate Bill that enhances the California data broker registry.

John Oliver’s Expose on Data Brokers Highlights Need for California Senate Bill 1059
John Oliver's expose on data brokers highlights the need for California Senate Bill 1059.

Enhancing the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act
In this blog post I will highlight two areas of improvements that I think will better harmonize the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act with the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) and make it even stronger.

FAQ Regarding SB 1059: The Bill to Strengthen California’s Data Broker Law
FAQ regarding SB 1059 -- the bill to strengthen California's Data Broker law.

Why Enhance California’s Data Broker Law? The Case for SB 1059
The Case for SB 1059: stronger privacy rights and better visibility into the data brokers who collect, sell, and share our personal data, including real-time location and other sensitive information.

SB 1059 Introduced to Put More Teeth into California Data Broker Law
SB 1059 significantly strengthens California’s existing data broker law by giving Californians increased visibility into businesses known as data brokers that knowingly collect, sell, and share the personal information of a consumer with whom the business does not have a direct relationship.

How the California Privacy Protection Agency Can Better Protect Consumers
How can the California Privacy Protection Agency — a small $10m/year agency staffed with 50-60 personnel — scale itself to effectively protect the privacy rights of 40 million Californians against the most powerful companies the world has ever seen?

“Truth in Elections” Bill Proposes to Cast Light on Use of Personal Information to Influence Elections
A detail look at California State Senator Nancy Skinner's SB 746 that looks to provide "Truth in Elections" by extending the CPRA's "right to know" to include if Big Tech is using personal information for their own political influence.

The Impact of CCPA & CPRA on Surveillance Capitalism
How does CCPA and CPRA impact Surveillance Capitalism?