Tom Kemp Receives Commendations from the California Senate and Texas Senate
Tom Kemp receives commendations from the California Senate and the Texas Senate for his work in privacy policy in both states.

Big Tech Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? Californians Unite in Opposition to the ADPPA “Trap”
The proposed American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) would preempt state law. Californians are not happy about that.

Tech Firms Silently Kill SB 1059, Bill to Enhance California’s Data Broker Registry
California State Senate Bill 1059 -- that regulates data brokers -- was silently killed in the Appropriations Committee.

The Impact of CCPA & CPRA on Surveillance Capitalism
How does CCPA and CPRA impact Surveillance Capitalism?

Introducing the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) Resource Center
Introducing the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) Resource Center -- the definitive set of content to better understand the CPRA.

Recommendations for the California Privacy Protection Agency
Created with the passing of Proposition 24, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CalPPA) is the first supervisory authority in the US that is focused on consumer privacy protection. Here are 4 recommendations to make the CalPPA even more effective.

A Roadmap for California Privacy and Data Security
So, now that Prop 24 has passed, what should California do next vis a vis privacy and data security? This blog post provides a roadmap for California to better protect our consumer privacy and improve data security.

What Google Gets Wrong About this Biased Election Search Results Issue
As I detailed in this blog post, the Google search algorithm are unfortunately serving up Pro or Con arguments associated with California Propositions as their search results from what are designed to be trusted and neutral election sites (e.g. Ballotpedia and the California Secretary of State Voter Information Guide website).

Google’s Algorithmic Results are Putting Its Thumb on the Scale for California Voters
California has 12 ballot measures (aka Propositions) on the ballot and over $643 million has been raised in support and opposition to these Props. California voters are being asked to sort through ballot measures ranging from stem cells to kidney dialysis to rent control to affirmative action to reforming the bail system.

Federal Privacy Law Bingo: Comparing Moran to Cantwell / Wicker / GDPR / CCPA / CPRA
A closer look at Senator Moran's privacy proposal and benchmarking it to GDPR, CCPA, CPRA

Fact-Checking the Opening Salvo from the Opponents of Prop 24
Fact checking the first article published by the opponents of Prop 24

Why I am Voting Yes on Prop 24 — the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020
Why you should vote Yes on Proposition 24 -- the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) of 2020