Analyzing the Arguments For and Against Preemption in APRA
This blog post does a detail analysis of the arguments for and against preemption in the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA), and proposes a compromise that could bridge the gap.

If Privacy Laws Were Software Development Models, California is Open and Agile while APRA is Closed and Waterfall
When it comes to making new privacy laws to keep up with rapid technology innovation, California is open and agile while unfortunately APRA is closed and waterfall.

APRA Falls Way Short of California When It Comes to Regulating Data Brokers
The American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) falls flat to California Privacy Law when it comes to regulating data brokers.
The Hill Publishes Op-Ed by Tom Kemp and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
The Hill publishes an op-ed by Tom Kemp and the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse calling for better regulation of data brokers.
Analysis of the California Delete Act (SB 362) — Signed by Governor Newsom into Law
SB 362 — the California Delete Act - was signed into law on October 10, 2023 by Governor Newsom. It would provide a “Do Not Call” type registry for consumers to mass delete their data from data brokers.

California SB 362 Passes Assembly and State Senate by Wide Margins; On to Governor Newsom
California Senate Bill 362 passed the state legislature by landslide margins and is now Governor Newsom’s desk for signature or veto.
California SB 362 Passes Through Assembly Appropriations Committee 10-3
California Senate Bill 362 (SB 362) — aka the California Delete Act — passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee and moves on to the Assembly floor.
New Poll Shows 81% of Californians Support SB 362
New poll of Californians shows overwhelming support (81%) of California Senate Bill 362 (SB 362), also known as the California Delete Act. The online survey also shows that consumers have significant concerns regarding the collection and selling of their personal data by data brokers.
“Containing Big Tech” Now Available!
Tom Kemp’s book Containing Big Tech is now available. The book exposes the consequences of Big Tech's digital surveillance, exploitative use of AI, and monopolistic and anticompetitive practices.

Operationalizing Consumer Privacy Rights
How do we operationalize consumer privacy rights, or as I write in an article on Tech Policy Press, how do we make privacy easy?

Data Broker Industry Plans to Use Californians’ Data to Challenge Bill That Threatens Their Industry
A shocking article from Politico detailing how internal emails revealed that the data broker industry plans to use consumer data it collected to influence legislation (California SB 362) that explicitly impacts the data broker industry.
California Delete Act (SB 362) FAQ
Frequently asked questions (and answers!) regarding California Senate Bill 362 — the California Delete Act.

Top Arguments For/Against California SB 362
A look at the main arguments for and against California Senate Bill 362, also known as the California Delete Act.

The “Weaponization of Data” Threats Associated with Data Brokers
A look at the threats data brokers pose to individuals, our national security, and even our democracy.

A Closer Look at Data Brokers’ Sources of Data
A detail look at data brokers’ source of data, including government records, commercial sources, publicly available information, web tracking and mobile tracking
How SB 362 — the California Delete Act — Helps Protect Kids’ Online Safety
California SB 362 (aka the California Delete Act) can significantly help protect kids’ online safety by deleting sensitive personal data collected about them from shadowy data brokers.
California Senate Bill 362 Passes First Test in State Assembly
California Senate Bill 362 (SB 362) — aka the California Delete Act — passed its first test in the State Assembly by passing through the Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee with a vote of 7-0.
Texas Enacts US’ Most Robust Data Broker Registry Law
Texas has passed the nation’s most robust data broker registry law and in doing so leapfrogging California’s and Vermont’s law. But if passed, the California Delete Act will put California far ahead in the regulation of data brokers.

California Senate Bill 362 Passes Senate 32-8 and Moves to Assembly
California Senate Bill 362 — the California Delete Act — passed the Senate 32-8 on May 31, 2023 and now moves to the Assembly. The bill would task the California Privacy Protection Agency with creating an online portal for consumers to request that data brokers delete any data they have on the consumer and no longer track them.
Reproductive Rights Groups Voice Support for the California Delete Act (SB 362)
Support for California Senate Bill 362 (the California Delete Act) is broadening. Reproductive rights groups — such as Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and Access Reproductive Justice — are now throwing their support behind SB 362 as they see SB 362 as a means to limit the weaponization of reproductive healthcare data.