Is Security Spending Keeping Pace?
Cybersecurity Tom Kemp Cybersecurity Tom Kemp

Is Security Spending Keeping Pace?

In my last two blog posts, I looked at the trend lines vis a vis data breaches from a number of annual reported breaches and compromised records, including factoring out the impact of major whale breaches. The caveat of course is this is based on what’s publicly reported.

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How Badly are Data Breach "Whales" Impacting the Breach Trend Lines?
Cybersecurity Tom Kemp Cybersecurity Tom Kemp

How Badly are Data Breach "Whales" Impacting the Breach Trend Lines?

Shortly after posting “Data Breaches: So How Bad is it Getting?“, it dawned on me that it might be interesting to factor out the big “whale” breaches (e.g. Yahoo! in 2016 with 3+ billion compromised records) to get a feel for what “run rate” breach rate really is in terms of compromised records. So consider this blog post an addendum to that blog post.

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Jumping Back into the Cybersecurity Ocean
Cybersecurity Tom Kemp Cybersecurity Tom Kemp

Jumping Back into the Cybersecurity Ocean

After living and breathing cybersecurity for 14 years, I purposely took a sabbatical in 2019 from cybersecurity (and frankly work in general). Now that 2019 is almost over, and my batteries are for the most part recharged, I have decided to pop my head up and will use the next set of blog posts to get a sense of the state of play of cybersecurity going into 2020 in terms of trends and new legislation. I will also try to sort out if there are any new approaches that have emerged to solve our cybersecurity problem.

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